Objects - Creation and the Keyword "new"

While Transcrypt supports standard Python syntax for class instance creation and use, the JavaScript syntax for creating new objects must be used when interacting with a small number of Screeps prototypes. In Python, new objects are created by calling the class; in JavaScript, to create an instance of an object, the new keyword must be provided along with a call to the contruct that creates the object.

Transcrypt provides a method, __new__(), that supports creating interacting with constructors in third party libraries. When working with code examples provided by the API, any instance of new Constructor() should be replaced with __new__(Constructor()).


Creating a new RoomPosition object:

room_pos = __new__(RoomPosition(25, 25, 'E34S25'))

Creating a new RoomVisual:

# Displays the current tick in the upper-left corner of all rooms
 __new__(RoomVisual().text(Game.time, 0, 0, {'align': 'left', 'font': 0.6}))

Creating a new CostMatrix:

costs = __new__(PathFinder.CostMatrix)

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