
Software Setup

This repository is intended as a base to be used for building more complex AIs, and has all the tooling needed to transpile Python into JavaScript set up.

The ./ script does the majority of the work. It sets up the python environment, and installs all dependencies. However, you will still need some base software installed:

Linux Software Install

Your Linux distribution should have python installed. Use your package manager (apt, dnf, etc.) to install git, node and npm.

MacOS Software Setup

Using homebrew, install git, python and node (npm comes with node):

brew install git python@3 node

Windows Software Setup

Install git from Default options are fine.

Install the latest version of Python from Again, default options should be fine.

Install node.js LTS Windows Installer from Default options should again be fine.

Start "git bash" to start a terminal for the next step.

Repository Setup

Next, if you haven't already cloned this repository, you'll want to. Use a git gui if you have one, or:

git clone

Next, you'll want to open this repository in your file manager, copy config.default.json to config.json and proceed to Post Installation Steps

Post Installation Steps

The last step to setting up screeps-game-api is to create and configure the build. This will allow to upload files directly to the screeps server after building.

Copy the contents of config.default.json into config.json. Generate an auth-token with full access rights through your screep's account management page, then copy the token and paste it to the token key in config.json.

Alternatively, you can use your username and password for authentication. To do this, remove the token line, and add username and password fields to config.json. Be careful about commas - all lines except the last should have trailing commas.

Deploying to Screeps

Following that, you're all set up! will automatically download and install the rest of the dependencies into a local environment when it is first run.

To run on a Unix system (Linux, MacOS), use:


To run on Windows with raw Python installed from


On first run, this will install remaining dependencies, then compile, build, and deploy your code to Screeps! On subsequent runs, it will simply call installed tools and deploy code from there.

Installing under Windows using 'conda'

If you're having trouble running in Windows, it might be worth trying out an alternative installation method.

For Windows users, running may fail if virtualenv cannot be detected in your PATH. The setup procedure here should only be used if the primary installation method at this top of this README does not work.

This setup procedure uses conda, which is provided through the Miniconda installer If you already have something like Anaconda on your system, you can skip this step. If you are new to conda, the official quick start guide does a great job of covering the basics.

While Miniconda will install its own version of Python to your system, you do not need to modify or uninstall any version already in place. The installer will ask if you want Miniconda to be used as your default version of Python; if you plan to use conda only for screeps, you can decline.

Once the installation is complete, look for a program icon labeled Anaconda Prompt and run it. All commands listed for the rest of the guide must be entered in the terminal created by Anaconda Prompt.

Enter the following commands in the order listed:

  1. conda create -n screeps python=3.8

  2. activate screeps

  3. conda install git

Once finished, you can now try python again.

To transpile your Python code to JavaScript, must be called from an Anaconda Prompt using the screeps environment; this can be achieved through the following steps:

  1. Open an Anaconda Prompt

  2. enter the command: activate screeps

The above steps only need to be performed when opening a new Anaconda Prompt, you can keep it running in the background while you make changes to your code and switch to it only when you need to run To deactivate the screeps environment, you can either enter the command deactivate screeps, or you can close the prompt itself.

Last updated

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